Zounds!  What a topic.  :-)
Maybe someone do dissertation research on this, also addressing the connected 
themes of perfectionism & high achievement among (a) leaders in general, from 
business to community to education to gov't, and (b) hard-core dancers in 
general.  (An alternative thesis:  Does the society of callers tend to attract 
a high proportion of analytical souls?)

I had some off-list exchanges about my post, and one person sent this:
           "I often think of Sigmund Freud's phrase, 'the narcissism of small 
It may relate to keeping perspective, but in any case I thought it was a quote 
worth sharing w the larger list. 

Chrissy Fowler
Belfast ME

> Message: 3
> Date: Mon, 2 Aug 2010 10:51:12 -0700
> From: Joyce Miller joycel...@sbcglobal.net
> In any case, I've been wondering for many years if the society of callers 
> might tend to attract in higher proportion folks who are hard on themselves 
> (and therefore others), expect perfection, and have been (or want to be) high 
> achievers. I don't recall ever seeing this topic broached on any callers' 
> discussion group. 
> But I know from my own experience how those impulses can lead to a loss of 
> perspective. 


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