Hi, All!

This looks like a slightly altered version of Bob Dalsemer's MidWinter Gypsy, which myself and the triangle-area (of NC) Caller's Collective tweaked into something we called NewHope Gypsy after a local place name.

New Hope Gypsy by Joy & the Caller's Collective (variation of Bob Dalsemer's MidWinter Gypsy)
(duple improper contra, double progression)

A1      Long lines forward and back  (8)
        2s swing, end facing up.   (8)

A2 Mirror gypsy neighbor 1+1/2 (2s split the ones. 1s end below the twos.) (8)
        1s swing, end facing down.  (8)
                Make a line of four with new!! 2s.  2s be alert for new 

B1      Down the hall in a line of four.  (4)
        "Cast to a circle, open to a line."
                2s fold in as if casting down (good hand weight).  (2)
                1s release partner's hand and open to face up in a new line. (2)
        And return (4)

B2      Circle L x1 (8)
        Neighbor swing (8)

Bob Dalsemer's MidWinter Gypsy
        Same A parts.
B1      Down the hall in a line of four, turn alone and return.
B2      Fold in the ends of the circle, circle L, swing neighbor.

You can see the original notes on Bob's dance page:

The reason for the tweaking was I was trying to fix the gents leading in the circle to a swing (which makes for an awkward transition - ladies in the lead of the swingee works better). We ended up with a completely different turn in the B2. Bob D had a Gypsy also before the 1s swing. We tried making that an Allemande, and it's doable, but it felt awkward for one of the gents into the swing. So a gypsy it was!

I think yours is different enough (starting with a different figure) to have a new name, but you might reference the other dance(s). I'm going to have to try this starting with the Mirror gypsy/allemande!

Hope this helps!

Joy Greenwolfe
Durham, NC

On Sep 14, 2010, at 10:01 AM, aawoodall wrote:

It looks like a nice flowing dance. However, I think there's a typo. As writtenk, in A1
and B2, 2s swing.  Should B2 be 1s swing?

Hi All:

This past weekend at a dance writing workshop at the Foot Fall dance
weekend we came up with the following dance, and were wondering if it
was new:

Waiting for the Other Foot to Fall             Improper
Co-authors; Dan Black, Joyce Duffy-Bilanow, Bob Isaacs, Hannah Platt,
Kendall Rogers

A1.  Neighbor handy-hand allemande 1 1/2, 2s swing - face down

A2.  Down hall in line/4 - 2s turn as a couple, up hall and bend line

B1.  Circle L, neighbor swing

B2.  Long lines, 2s swing

(1) - It's the L hand for the 1G/2L, and R hand for the 1L/2G.  The
line of four facing down from L to R is 1G-2G-2L-1L.

Anyone seen this one before?


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