On Fri, 3 Dec 2010 23:13:55 -0500,
Amy Cann <ac...@putneyschool.org> wrote:

> Here's a thought I've been toying with for a while:
> A term we use in knitting to identify which way yarn twists is "N-wise 
> or Z-wise"
> (think of a piece of yarn, look at the slanty lines the plies make, look 
> at the center slashes of an N, then a Z. See it?)
> How many moves could be identified this way?
> "Facing up and down, the first corners on the N diagonal, allemande 
> once and a half."
> "Facing across, Z diagonals start a hey by the left"
> "Facing across, N's diagonal chain"

You could do that, but it may be less confusing to just identify whether it's 
the person on the right or left in the couple:
"Facing up and down, people on the RIGHT allemande once and a half"
"Facing across, people on the LEFT start a hey, passing left shoulders"
"Facing across, person on the RIGHT chain across"

That being said, the one time I called a gender-free dance I just used "bares" 
and "bands", since that what the dance organizers directed me to do -- I just 
followed what was their custom, and it worked out fine

Mark Widmer / central NJ

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