A few months ago I danced a long medley, perhaps 30-45 minutes, where the "rules" were somewhat different. There was only one caller (Diane Silvers), but two bands switched off. We had three major sets going. The guidance at the beginning was that when a couple popped out at the end of the set we had the option of sitting out a few times through then rejoining, and we were encouraged to find new partners before coming back in.

On 12/29/2010 6:54 PM, Greg McKenzie wrote:

If you call a medley it is best to give the dancers fair warning well in advance. Some will want to find a "special" partner to spend that slot with. Others will just want to be sure they can avoid newcomers. (There is good reason for this. Newcomers might have difficulty and some of the regular dancers will only feel comfortable dancing a medley if they are with an experienced dancer.)

Also, there are some of us who will want to sit out during a medley. Empowering the dancers with advance information about unusual dances is good policy. It builds trust and a sense of common purpose.

- Greg

 I want to try calling a dance medley in our contra group in 2011. ?As
 this will be new for me and all of our dancers I?m writing for advice.

 What are some sets of dance that work well as medleys?

 What coordination should you do with the band ahead of time?

What recommendations do you have for instructions during the walk through?

 Anything else (other than screwing my courage to the sticking point?)


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