Brilliant Michael.

On Mon, Jan 31, 2011 at 9:10 PM, Michael Barraclough <> wrote:

> Personally, I avoid talking about timing.  However, I often mention the
> fact
> that people are welcome to clap if they wish, but that clapping reduces the
> swinging time and sends a message to the other person that you'd rather be
> clapping than swinging with them.  This usually results in minimal
> clapping.
> Michael Barraclough
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Jeff Kaufman
> Sent: Monday, January 31, 2011 3:53 PM
> To: Caller's discussion list
> Subject: Re: [Callers] Another Cure for the Claps
> Bob Green wrote:
> >
> > *Another Cure for the Claps*
> >
> > A1    (8) Balance the ring and twirl to the right (Petronella)
> >       (8) Scoop up your Partner and swing on the side
> >
> > A2    (8) (8) Balance the ring and twirl to the right (Petronella)
> >       (8) Scoop up your Neighbor and swing on the side
> >
> > B1    (8) Down the hall, four in line (turn as couples)
> >       (8) Return and Bend the line
> >
> > B2    (8) Ladies Chain
> >       (8) Circle Right 3/4 Pass left up/down to face next couple (form
> > ring)
> >
> This is picky, but I think the timing in the A part is closer to:
>  A1   (4) Balance the ring
>      (2) twirl to the right
>      (10) Scoop up your Partner and swing on the side
>  A2   (4) Balance the ring
>      (2) twirl to the right
>      (10) Scoop up your Neighbor and swing on the side
> If you leave the full 4 beats between the ring balance and the swing, that
> includes enough time both to twirl and to stand still and clap.
> By skipping the clapping beats (or the standing there curmudgeonly
> beats) and going directly from the twirl to a swing you get nicer flow and
> a
> slightly longer swing.
> Jeff
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