I've actually seen a caller...encourage the chaos. Gents allemande once and a half. Now with your partner, allemande some number of times. Go make a LHS with someone (it's ok if it's a 5 person star, or a 3 person star, as long as it KEEPS MOVING it'll get you back to your partner for a swing). I don't go quite that far, but do tell people that the trick is to not worry about the star being *correct* but to *keep moving* and come back and swing your partner. Even if they followed you into the same star, or starred with people in the next set, as long as they *don't stop moving* (or try to stop and fox things) it'll still work.

Yes, it can verge on chaos, but it also is an amazingly resilient dance.


On 2/6/2011 9:51 AM, Dale Wilson wrote:
On Tue, Feb 1, 2011 at 1:30 PM,<richg...@comcast.net>  wrote:
So is this coming weekend going to be "Warm Pig" weekend?

I'd be curious how many times it gets called this weekend.  I like the bit 
about encouraging folks to play around with the stars.
I called it last night and it worked with my revised instructions, but
the "widespread moment of confusion" was still there -- I'd say it was
verging on a moment of total chaos.

There were three people stars.   There were six people stars.   There
were people starring themselves.   I kept calling through the entire
dance -- with particular emphasis on the swing after the star.

Fortunately the dancers seem to find that a lot more fun than I
expected them to (what do I know?)  I got several unsolicited positive
comments from the crowd. I think they were intentionally playing with
the chaos.   This one's going into my repertoire to be called when the
time is right.


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