That the dance works in 8-step chunks, and the music tells you when the move is 
about to change.
You can use a circle formation to teach that, circle left and right , into the 
middle,  a few times while you doodle (preferable) or count (only preferable if 
you can't really sing).

Giving weight - or whatever term your community uses.  This is also teachable 
through the circle formation.

Swing basics, especially hand placement and the importance of mutual support.  
A demo of the buss step is a bonus.

THEN, I move to the line formation and explain hands four, and progression.  I 
probably use a figure or two to demonstrate how the foursome moves within 
itself, and how to move to the new four.

It's a very full 30 minutes - but it works.
Dorcas Hand

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of D Bar
Sent: Sunday, October 02, 2011 2:17 PM
Subject: [Callers] The Beginners' Lesson Tips?


I am going to be calling one of my first gigged contra dances in a week! I
have a half-hour to introduce newbies on what's what in the dance prior and
I am wondering what do other callers find has been the most effective use of
that half hour?

I imagine going over improper formation [ladies on the right etc.], and a
few of the base moves are good. But I'd like to see if anyone else has some
good hints I can work with!

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