I have the following dances in my collection. The first I have never called, but might please folks who do ECD. The other two I have called: they work well.
Have fun! Linda Leslie

Saint Paddy's Day
Kirston Koths
Type: Contra
Formation: Duple-Improper
Level: Int

A1 -----------
(16) Neighbors balance and swing
A2 -----------
(8) Ladies chain
(8) Long lines go forward and back (star left better?)
B1 -----------
(8) Trail buddies allemande left twice  (vvar: alle right once)
(8) Partners swing
B2 -----------
(6) Circle left 3/4 face up and down)
(6) Partners full sashay: (facing neighbor and maintaining eye contact as much as possible, walk clockwise around partner, gents forward first--like a Mad Robin)
(4) Pass through along the set
Other Notes: This dance was written for Pattie Whitehurst. The figures seem to fit Fair Jenny's Jig or Irish jig-to-reel combinations, and some say the dance feels best after a dinner of corned beef and cabbage.

And this one, by Martha. I have called this one, and dancers seem to have enjoyed it! However, I believe the Paddy of the title is a cat....
Paddy on the Computer Chair
Martha Wild
Type: Contra
Formation: Duple-Improper
Level: Int

A1 -----------
(8) Neighbor allemande Left 1-1/2
(8) Women's Chain
A2 -----------
(16) Hey, women passing right shoulders
B1 -----------
(16) Partner balance and swing
B2 -----------
Women Balance, Box the gnat (Woman #1 lead)
   (Men join in front of N behind P*
Hands across star right once
       (Var:  Circle left 3/4, Balance, pass through)
Notes: * Women make sure to assist N to be in front in the star

And this one, with at least lip/title service to Clover:
Roll Me Over In The Clover
by Merrilee Karr

A1 -----------
(16) Neighbors balance and swing
A2 -----------
(8) Ladies chain
(8) Circle left
B1 -----------
(8) Neighbors roll away with a half sashay (across the set, gent rolls lady)
(8) Partners swing (on the lady's side)
B2 -----------
(8) Right and left through (or promenade)
(8) Ladies chain back

On Mar 1, 2012, at 8:11 PM, Dorcas Hand wrote:

I'm calling a dance on March 17 - does anyone have a few - even one - dance that would work to pick up the theme? I guess I'll find a come-back-cozy-to-cloverleaf to use - but I don't think or easily see any with a GREEN or "luck of the Irish" or... in the title. Heck - I guess I could even use Snakes.

I won't go overboard - but some acknowledgement seems in order. Besides wearing a green skirt!

Dorcas Hand
Houston TX
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