On Mar 10, 2012, at 10:49 AM, Colin Hume wrote:

I ran a workshop on "American with Style" on Sunday and I've now put the
notes on my website at
I'd be interested to know what people think. ...

I note that this message is cross-posted to trad-dance-callers
and to the SharedWeight callers' list.

[Note: I've sent versions of this reply separately to the
two lists.  My apologies for the duplication to people who
subscribe to both.]

Folks, beware that if you use "Reply All" (or whatever the
equivalent is in whatever mail software you use), your reply
is likely to be addressed to both lists and, unless you're
subscribed to both, get held up for moderation on one, creating
work for the list administrator(s).

Colin, thanks for the interesting link.  I think much of what
you say is accurate (according to my experience), but I'd beg
to differ with some points.  I don't have time to go into detail
now.  When I do (and if other people haven't already made all
my points), I'll use trad-dance-callers, which, though I say
this in no official capacity, I think is the more appropriate
forum for this topic.


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