Oh my!

My last post certainly generated some heated responses.  I was admonished
for “name calling” (there was none, from anyone here).  I was told I was
“intemperate,” and one person even said, off line, that my post was

All of this because I questioned the common assertion that something is
terribly wrong with the modern contra dance movement because most of those
folks don’t enjoy dancing squares?

I did not imply that anyone is ignorant of the traditions of their own
favored dance form.  I certainly did not say that anyone had a
“horse-blinder focus.”  And I most certainly have never gone to any dance
series, presented a dance form that I knew was not an appreciated part of
their tradition, and then admonished those folks for not being “open to new
experiences.”  That would be insensitive and inconsiderate.

We all need to remember that this is not a zero-sum game.  I know that the
vast majority of people will never enjoy dancing contras.  This fact does
not diminish my enjoyment of them, nor does it diminish the contra dance
tradition.  As a caller I am working in service to that tradition, and in
service to the community.

Times have changed.  In some towns there was once only one venue for
dancing.  These days most dancers have options, and are free to explore any
new experience they choose.  That is a good thing.  Dance callers should
consider respecting the choices the dancers, themselves, make.

Greg McKenzie

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