Nancy wrote:

> I have Settlement Swing by Penn Fix as this:

> A1  Neighbor dosido to long wavy line  G face out, Ladies face in, rt hand to

>        Bal the wave, alle right 1x, re-form the wave

> A2  Balance wave, Neighbor swing

> B1 Ladies chain, over and back

> B2 One’s balance and swing

> I'm wondering what your instructions would be for the Balance at the start of
A2? Balance right, then left again, Or for this second long wave, Balance left,
then right?

Haven't done the dance, but if it were me I'd make the second wave balance
right and left, just like the first.  (It makes sense (to me, anyway), to 
balance toward neighbor, Rory O'More slide, balance toward neighbor, which
gives balance R&L, then L&R, because it's working with the same person. 
Nonetheless, even when that's called, only about half the dancers actually do

But there's no Rory O'More slide here.  In this case, you don't change
orientation with respect to neighbor; allemande 1x gets you into the same line
with the same person, so there's no real rationale for changing the balance to
L & R.   Besides, balance L and R, swing the person in your right hand would be

-- Alan

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