I might suggest that there's a natural break-out topic:
"What makes a good caller? (both perspectives of caller, dancer, band,
and dance organizers all)"

I've heard a *lot* of callers talk about the difference of being "a
caller" and "a really good caller", and while experience is a
necessary condition, it is not, I believe, sufficient.

In dance,

On Thu, May 10, 2012 at 10:33 AM, Michael Fuerst <mjerryfue...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Laurie:
> Your remarks don't contradict mine.   You emphasized "FEEDBACK"  and an 
> individual's disposition to accept such.     I suggested that calling takes 
> "40-100 hours practice over 10- 50 dance events needed to experience the 
> various things that might go wrong or that one might do wrong, while having 
> more experienced callers nearby to counsel one through the mishaps."  I 
> certainly could/should have added that suggestions to aspiring callers can 
> also come from dancers.   In our context, "counsel" and "feedback" seem 
> synonymous.    But in any case,  a caller unwilling to accept/ponder such 
> counsel (feedback) from callers and dancers will not improve.
> Also you noted that some, after mentorship, classes, and support, still lack 
> "the thing that callers make."  Can you explain what to you the missing 
> "thing" is?     I suspect some of such persons either (1)  need closer to 50 
> experiences to master the necessary skills, and/or (2) have been unlucky to 
> have well-meaning, but less effective counselors
> Michael Fuerst      802 N Broadway      Urbana IL 61801       217-239-5844
> --- On Thu, 5/10/12, Laur <lc...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> From: Laur <lc...@yahoo.com>
> Subject: Re: [Callers] mentorship
> To: "Caller's discussion list" <call...@sharedweight.net>
> Date: Thursday, May 10, 2012, 12:28 AM
> Michael,
> Trust me, I (and I'm sure others) have seen callers go through mentorship, 
> classes, support, etc.  And - they do not have the thing that callers make.  
> Callers that are serious want and need feedback, the community, the mentoring 
> and again FEEDBACK.  Those that are- seek and respond to this.  Those are 
> nots - not.  They are into them and not into the rest.  So the caution is - 
> callers that aren't into the caller community feedback mentorship ... lose.  
> and the community that has to dance to them, loses.
> Laurie P
> West MI
> ~
> --- On Wed, 5/9/12, Michael Fuerst <mjerryfue...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>> From: Michael Fuerst <mjerryfue...@yahoo.com>
>> Subject: [Callers]  mentorship
>> To: "Caller's discussion list" <call...@sharedweight.net>
>> Date: Wednesday, May 9, 2012, 3:06 AM
>> Contra calling is a relatively easy
>> skill to learn--much easier than mastering fiddle-playing,
>> auto repair, child rearing or Photoshop.   After getting
>> several hours of initial instruction in contra calling, the
>> challenge becomes getting 40-100 hours practice over 10- 50
>> dance events needed to experience the various things that
>> might go wrong or that one might do wrong, while having more
>> experienced callers nearby to counsel one through the
>> mishaps.  And of course workshops will intercept some of
>> the potential mishaps.
>> Michael Fuerst      802 N Broadway      Urbana IL
>> 61801       217-239-5844
>> --- On Wed, 5/9/12, Rich Goss <richg...@comcast.net>
>> wrote:
>> From: Rich Goss <richg...@comcast.net>
>> Subject: Re: [Callers] mentorship
>> To: "Caller's discussion list" <call...@sharedweight.net>
>> Date: Wednesday, May 9, 2012, 12:55 AM
>> I may have missed it, but I haven't seen William Watson's
>> excellent collection of caller resources.
>> http://www.quiteapair.us/calling/
>> Rich
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