On 6/17/2012 10:54 AM, Amy Cann wrote:
I'm currently sitting in an airport with balky wifi and my google-fu has
deserted me.

Many moons and several computers ago I went on a post-gig rant. The gig was
in the correctional facility up in St. J at Christmastime, and it

I'm in the midst of some work that relates to the for-profit prison
industry and wish I could put my hands on it, but I can't. Is it archived
somewhere? Why can't I get to it from the sharedweight homepage? Does
anyone remember if it was printed in the NEFFA newsletter or CDSS? (am I
just a moron?)

I would dearly appreciate any links you could pass on.

There was a thread on this subject in January of 2006 on the Traditional Callers Yahoo list. It looks like the first message in the thread was from David Millstone and was a forwarded message from you sent to the "pourparler" Yahoo group.

Jonathan Sivier
Caller of Contra, English and Early American Dances
jsivier AT illinois DOT edu
Dance Page: http://www.sivier.me/dance_leader.html
Q: How many angels can dance on the head of a pin?
A: It depends on what dance you call!

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