Rich Sbardella sent a link to a simple longways dance that usually uses
"Montego Bay" as the music. I first saw it at an English country dance,
introduced as a "colonial" dance. When the music started (Montego Bay), the
caller then noted that the "colony" was Jamaica. Worth a laugh, or at least
a chuckle.

-- Jerome Grisanti

Date: Mon, 23 Jul 2012 18:10:30 -0700 (PDT)
> From: rich sbardella <>
> Gender Free EZ dance lnk.? Taped at Bob Livingston's monthly dance in
> Killingly CT.? The dance was prompted by me and I call it bay rollers
> because it has the solo rolls and because I usually use "Montego Bay" as
> the music.? I do not know the origin of the dance.? I learned it from a
> Western MA caller named Gene King.? I have used this dance with all age
> groups and with various group compositions,? It is a favorite at ONS
> parties.
> ?
Jerome Grisanti

For the good are always the merry,
Save by an evil chance,
And the merry love the fiddle
And the merry love to dance. ~ William Butler Yeats

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