Yes, there is a Balance in the B1. This actually is an important anchor for the dancers, since they will walk forward to new neighbors after the balance. I have the B1 written as follows:
B1 Pass through to a wave
     Balance the Wave
    Walk forward to N2, but Face P for a mad robin (women center first)

The rest of the dance is as you have written below. Since the progression is in the B1, the dancers begin the dance again with these same neighbors. It is a very enjoyable dance!
Linda Leslie

On Aug 22, 2012, at 10:32 PM, Bree Kalb wrote:

I have Bob Isaacs’s dance Redbeard Reel, that I must have written down after hearing it called. I tried to find the dance via a web search and also to contact Bob via Facebook. Now I’m turning to this helpful and knowledgeable group for help.

Here’s the dance as I have it; my question is about B1. I’m pretty sure there’s a balance once the dancers are in an ocean wave, and would like to have that confirmed. If I made any (other) errors, please let me know!

Becket formation

A1 Long lines forward and back; Gents allmd Left 1  1/2

A2 Neighbor gypsy & swing

B1 Pass the ocean wave (Balance?) Pass thru along the set; with the next Mad Robin while facing partner across

B2  Women pass Left; Partner swing.


Bree Kalb
Carrboro NC
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