Hi Jim,

I'm copying the SW list to save others the hassle of searching.  And to point 
others toward New England Dancing Masters (NEDM)

Flat Tire is in the NEDM books - New England Dancing Masters are a GREAT 
resource, by the way - books, recordings, overall attitude/perspective.  
http://www.dancingmasters.com/  Might be in Listen to the Mockingbird.

You could email Peter directly if you want more info (and Peter, if you are 
lurking, yay for you!)  He wrote it with students during a residency in Quechee 

Flat Tire by Peter Amidon & students
Whole set dance
(16) In whole set oval (take hands in lines and around the end) 'circle' L/R
(16) P dsd, sw
(widely varied) Face up hall, waving hands in the air (over head) count loudly 
to 3, on the 4 count-yell 'wooh!' as you bump P on hip
All cast off, top couple leading lines around outside of set, top cpl meet at 
bottom make arch, all others meet P below the arch, duck thru, dance up the set 
to new progressed place.

I do it every week at two weekly summer dances - unfailingly popular/fun.  Also 
my 4yo requests it by name whenever he's at a dance I'm calling.


> Date: Tue, 4 Sep 2012 17:52:58 -0400
> From: string...@charter.net
> To: ktaadn...@hotmail.com
> Subject: re: Flat Tire
> Hi Chrissy,
> I saw your description of the student orientation on shared_weight.  It 
> sounds like a lot of fun.
> I've been through ten pages of Google search and can't find Flat Tire by 
> Peter Amidon listed anywhere.  Can you tell me where to find it?
> Thanks,
> Jim McKinney

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