I've used my iPad for English gigs, and I'm about to get Ralph Canapa's Dancing Master program after seeing Gene Murrow with it at Pinewoods. Gene said something to the effect that it's the greatest invention since "set and turn single."

I'm not planning to go that route for contras and squares, simply because I have so many already on 3x5 cards going back over three decades, whereas my ECD material is more recent and is largely stored on my computer as PDFs or word processor files.

In the past on my iPad, I've had to create new file for each gig and convert that to a PDF, which is not at all efficient. Ralph's program looks to do exactly what I want. (I like that it includes a database-- it'll be easy to reformat my own and import that-- that among other things will let me generate a list of tunes not in Barnes and will create a set of files that can be e-mailed to musicians.

David Millstone

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