Sometimes a dance weekend comes along just in time.  So I am at Chattaboogie in 
TN, and thought very hard about what was going on between me and all the people 
I danced with, and I think I finally understand why, in my mind, lead/follow 
are actively bad terms to use in contra, and why when we teach the idea of 
flourishes, I really don't want anyone thinking of one role as lead, and the 
other as follow.
The evening rolled along, and I danced both positions with both genders of 
partners.  Late in the evening, I reflected about which dances I had enjoyed 
the most.  It came down to one dance with a woman, who is a very accomplished 
younger than me dancer.  We fluidly played off one another, making no 
distinction about who was in charge, a different one landing in the 'you go' 
position at the last second at every possible opportunity.  It was like contact 
improv in a contra line.  We could not have said who was leading, and neither 
could anyone watching.  It was transcendent.  The other wonderful dance was 
with a man.  He dances in the usual position, is a wonderful dancer, but 
doesn't often offer a flourish.  Instead he absolutely loves for me to create 
sequences of flourishes for both of us to do, but I end on the right.  Why were 
these experiences so notable, I had to ask myself.  It is because most men have 
come to think they must be in charge of flourishes, to the point that they 
don't seem open to my flourishes, or at best are in a state of surprise which 
makes reacting to the suggestions awkward.  Most women I dance with are 
entirely passive, can receive a flourish from me if I am in the lefty role, but 
don't have anything to give back, sometimes not even good weight.  There are a 
few who can swap positions, and offer flourishes from the lefty position, but 
in my transcendent dance, we were completely interchangeable, and the game was 
who would wind up where.  Even we didn't know!
I think the root of the problem is that, without meaning to, we have begun to 
foster a culture of expectations of bifurcated roles.  Using the terms 
lead/follow only codifies and ultimately ossifies something I would like to do 
away with.  I know some people are only going to dance one role, and some may 
only be able to participate in one way lefty to righty flourishes.  But I want 
more people to be able to open their minds to the kind of experience I had 
tonight.  Using the terms lead/follow to indicate the expectations of dancing 
one side or the other will tend to shut that down, and I think it would be a 
crying shame.  We have subtly given up something I treasure.  It is not the 
right to dance in a staid old fashioned way, it is a formerly pervasive concept 
of the dance as a an equal opportunity chance to play being replaced with a 
male dominated one way I am in charge of you thing.  I can't listen to defenses 
of that, to me, perversion of my beloved play space.  I don't want the 
experiences I had to be rare, outside the box, ones.  I want them to be as 
obvious a choice as any.
The discussion began with the idea that maybe we need a better set of terms for 
the two positions we dance.  This was to acknowledge that some in our community 
don't want their dance position defined, even by archaic implication, as 
something to do with gender.  I am not personally bothered by gent/lady, but if 
I'm going to call to people who are, let the alternate terms not imply 
something about the dance which I do not wish to convey.   Let them not limit, 
by seeming to prescribe and proscribe who can and should do what, what we in 
fact choose to do.  Let's try to generate something humorous, elevating, easy 
to say and remember, and truly neutral. All we need them for is to say who is 
crossing in a chain, and who needs to end the swing where in order for the 
dance not to turn into a mixer.  We could always resort to diagonals for same 
role moves, even chains for that matter. 
So.  Some people want no change from trad terms.  Fine.  Know that a certain 
number of dancers may object or not return, but it's your dance.  Some want new 
terms.  Ok.  If they are awesome, I bet even trad series might adopt them 
eventually.   Arguing whether we should change them is different from arguing 
which of the terms we already use to keep using, and different again from 
evaluating the merits of new alternatives.  It's become a bit of a mash up.  
I don't know whether we should, as a whole community, abandon trad terms for 
new ones.
That doesn't keep me from gleefully generating new terms, just in case we hit 
on that totally perfect set.  (See the FB thread.)
But when I see people arguing for terms which by their use change how it is 
likely for people to conceptualize the roles, in a way that curtails the 
potential for the kind of beautiful shared dancing I saw and felt  tonight, I 
have to say no.  No, that is not a set of terms which serve us well.  No fine 
tuning of your arguments will convince me that they will.  Please, stop 
defending the terms lead/follow as if they were something we might find 
desirable.  Broaden your vision to imagine the grace they impede.

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 5, 2013, at 1:35 AM, Jeff Kaufman <> wrote:

> On Fri, Jan 4, 2013 at 3:20 PM, John Sweeney <> wrote:
>> The middle of a swing is a beautiful (almost) symmetrical move with the
>> man and lady (almost) completely equal. ... But in a swing there is also the
>> entry and exit.
> It depends how you dance.  In the way I'm most used to dancing the
> whole swing is a time for interesting variations, and this includes
> the middle as much as the beginning and end.  I think of the swing,
> middle included, as much more lead-follow than the rest of contra.
> Jeff
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