I have found that "United We Dance" by Bob Isaacs  works well as a waltz.
 Doing Rory o More setting in waltz time is very satisfying (to me).
 Instead of a swing, folks can either do a two hand turn or just waltz to
the end of the phrase.

*United We Dance*                                  Improper – long
waves (1)

A1.      4,4            Balance R and L, slide/spin R

            4,4            Balance L and R, slide/spin L

A2.      4,12            N1 balance, swing  (Waltz or 2 hand turn)

B1.      6            Circle L ¾

            10            Partner swing  (Waltz/2 hand turn)

B2.      8            Ladies chain to N1

            8            Star L into long waves

Written on September 12, 2001, the morning after the terrorist attacks,
revised on January 2, 2004, and first called on September 11, 2004 at CD*NY.

(1) – With N1 in R hand and N0 in L hand, ladies facing in and gents facing

(2) – Any kind of swing is good here – gypsy and swing, do-si-do and swing,
swing and swing, whatever.  At NEFFA in 2005 I used this dance to introduce
the neighbor swing choice, where neighbors can choose how they want to
swing.  In this dance they do so by conferring during the balances in A1.

Video at Florida Snow Ball, 2006 (Lisa Greenleaf calling with music by Honk
the Moose):



On Wed, Jan 23, 2013 at 5:20 PM, Alan Winston <wins...@slac.stanford.edu>wrote:

> On 1/23/2013 11:23 AM, Jerome Grisanti wrote:
>> I've had some success with Mike Richardson's dance "Another Jig Will Do."
>> It's not a waltz, but dances as one. Musically, it fits a two-part
>> slip-jig
>> such as "The Snowy Path" or two parts of the three-part "The Butterfly."
>> See 
>> http://www.quiteapair.us/**calling/acdol/dance/acd_10.**html<http://www.quiteapair.us/calling/acdol/dance/acd_10.html>for
>>  details of
>> the figure.
>> I can generally find a waltz rhythm within the 9/8 signature, but I've
>> seen
>> some dancers struggle with this, so check the tune with the band
>> beforehand. These same dancers were upset with me for asking them to use a
>> waltz step during a contra, so it might not have been the tune.
> When I've danced that dance it's never occurred to me to use a waltz step.
>  (And it's never occurred to me
> to use a waltz step when dancing to a slip jig at all, although it's
> pretty easy with most 6/8 jigs to play them
> as (sometimes nice, sometimes dorky) waltzes.)
> Slip-jgs are usually played with   DAH-du-dum DAH-du-dum DAH-dum-dum
>  (nine beats in a measure, with emphasis on the first beat of each triplet).
> Are you taking three (ONE-two-three) waltz steps per measure, or one
> (ONE...TWO...THREE) waltz step per measure?  I generally move to a slip jig
> either
> with three walking steps per measure on the three strong beats or with a
> modified skip-change (left-right-left-right-left(**hop),
> right-left-right,left-right(**hop)).
> -- Alan
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Tom Senior
Dance while you can.
                 see my website:  http://marblechimes.com/

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