Wrote this one on my way back from calling Norfolk.

Slow M'Ocean

A1  Pass thru to an Ocean Wave (Ps are facing in opposite directions).  
Balance forward and back. Swing your SHADOW (who is facing you in the next  
wave). (Gents, make the ladies come to you.) End facing across. 
A2  Pass thru to an Ocean Wave. Balance F/B -- swing your Partner, who is  
facing you in the next wave. End facing your original Ns. 
B1 Ladies  chain to your N.  Ladies allemande R 1.5 (continue to hold Rt  
B2 Ladies pick up your partner, star promenade across with a  butterfly 
whirl (to the lady's side).  Promenade across (to gent's side),  with ladies 
passing RIGHT shoulders, and curl RIGHT to face the next neighbor,  ready to 
pass the Ocean. 

I can't think of another dance that starts this way -- anybody?  

April Blum

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