I like a dance my friend JoAnn Koppany wrote called "Ride the Wave to Love" 
because it has 2 partner swings

Ride the Wave to Love  by JoAnn Koppany

Duple Improper

A1          Balance neighbor, box the gnat into a

Wave balance (along the lines), Allemande left the next (in your hand) 3/4 into 

A2              Wave balance (across the set, women in middle)/Women allemnade 
right to partner

Swing partner

B1 Half hey

 Swing partner again

B2 Balance partner across set and half square through

Balance partner across set and half square through

> Today's Topics:
>   1. dances with ultimate partner time (JoLaine Jones-Pokorney)
>   2. Re: dances with ultimate partner time (Ron Blechner)
>   3. Re: dances with ultimate partner time (Michael Fuerst)
>   4. Re: dances with ultimate partner time (Michael Fuerst)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------

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