When I think of "high energy" I think of something I would call early on when 
the dancers aren't tired, and a dance for which I would request a fast tune, 
probably an unforgiving dance with timing such that you barely make it from one 
move to the next, where everyone is moving all the time, like a good contra 
corners dance when active. 

I think this is a good topic, related to assessing the energy requirements of a 
dance and the agility of the dancers.   Whirligiggin' Around, by Cis Hinkle, is 
pretty busy and crazy, but really fun with good dancers.  I once called it 
later on at an all night dance thinking that brain-dead dancers could handle 
it, but I didn't think about them also being body-dead!  Their facial 
expressions said it all.  I'm just glad no-one was injured!


Whirligiggin' Around
Cis Hinkle    duple, improper

A1  circle L 1/4, R and L through across (8)*
       circle L 1/4, R and L through up and down (8)
A2  repeat A 1 from new positions
B1  DSD N, swing N
B2  long lines, ones swing

* R and L through with no hands works best

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