I'm in Oxford with a group of GA Tech undergrads and the Prof who is teaching a 
Jane Austen class has requested that I teach them a bunch of ECD from that era, 
things that would really have been danced then. I don't have with me the 
resources I had available in the states.  I need a selection of maybe a dozen 
dances, and a resource from which to give them interesting tidbits about 
etiquette, flirtation, the circumstances of a ball such as chaperones, the 
necessity for an introduction before inter gender conversation could occur, 
etc.  I want something as authentic as possible, but they are all newbies and I 
want them to have fun.  Recommendations most welcome.  I have a fiddler and a 
Barnes book, and notes for a few dances and any I can glean from the web, 
unless one of my esteemed colleagues loans them to me.  I'm confident about the 
teaching part, it is more a matter of what to present.

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