Since I usually do on-the-spot programming, I often ask the band what they want to play next. I'd love it if the band said something like, "we want to play something that's great for petronellas in the A..."

~erik hoffman

On 7/27/2013 3:14 AM, Bob Isaacs wrote:

Good questions.  This happened at the Clearwater Festival held at a park on the 
Hudson River about an hour north of NYC.  Clearwater is much more about 
concerts than dancing - for example, on the main stage act at that time was 
some guy named Pete Seeger.  The band was the ridiculously talented Giant Robot 
Dance, I was a last-minute fill-in for the Sunday session, and we had an hour.  
So most of the participants were folks who didn't realize Seeger was playing, 
wandered by the tent, and decided to give contra a try.  So after three dances 
of dosido-and-away-we-go and put-the-lady-on-the-right, I wanted to give the 
contra regulars and the band something mildly interesting to finish with.  
Andrew van Norstrand suggested Petronellas, I happily agreed, and then - oops! 
- I realized I hadn't taught a ladies chain yet.  After teaching the A1 the 
band went into rolling start mode, so I winged it and this dance is what 


Date: Fri, 26 Jul 2013 20:58:52 -0700
Subject: Re: [Callers] Seen This One Before?

So you have a beginner crowd at a festival? Since when does the band get to 
dictate what you call? Just sayin'


On Jul 26, 2013, at 8:42 PM, Eric Black <> wrote:


I've danced pretty much this sequence as a Becket starting at B2. Can't
remember who or where. I remember it because it not only was a "barely
Becket" but you immediately progressed away from your neighbor couple.


Hi All:

Faced with a largely beginner audience at a recent festival, I came up with the 
following when the band wanted high-energy Petronellas in the A's. I suspect it 
isn't new, but have been unable to find it in the usual sources. Thanks in 
advance for whoever has the author/title; otherwise I'll have to come up with 
one -


A1. Balance, Petronella, balance, Petronella

A2. N1 balance, swing

B1. Gents allemande L 1 1/2, partner swing

B2. Circle L 3/4 and pass through, N2 dosido and form ring

Yes, I know - I need to write a new Petronella dance like I need a hole in my 
head. Some things just can't be helped -

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