Yes it is. But lots of people don't do it.  

Sent from my iPhone

> On Oct 3, 2013, at 8:16 PM, Maia McCormick <> wrote:
> This is maybe a silly question, but in an allemande to a star promenade, is
> it assumed that the allemanders will keep their allemande until they've
> brought the promenade-ee across the set?
>> On Thu, Oct 3, 2013 at 10:58 PM, Eric Black <> wrote:
>> At 12:48 PM -0700 10/3/13, Alan Winston wrote:
>>> Not to hijack this completely, but dancing a man's role in a
>>> men-allemande star promenade is also often really unsatisfying. Something
>>> like 20% of the men I run into line (in the SF Bay Area) just let go of me
>>> as soon as they've picked up their partner;  70% hold on but stop giving
>>> weight either immediately or before the promenade part is omplete, and it's
>>> no more than 10% who give me a satisfying connection all through the
>>> promenade and a positive push off at the right time.
>>> (And in star promenades with the neighbor lady, I find that about half of
>>> them step ahead.  Good star promenade, according to me, is like this
>>> }
>>> {
>>> and what happens half the time is more like this
>>> Z
>>> I find them pretty frustrating to do most of the time, and wonderful when
>>> they work.)
>>> -- Alan
>> Two important points I was taught long ago (~1982) by Sandy Bradley:
>>  - star promenade is an ARC, not "straight across".  The outside person
>>    MUST walk the outside of a circle, and not just head straight across.
>>  - the outside person needs to match timing and velocity exactly as the
>>    allemander comes to pick them up.  The image was docking with the Space
>>    Station.  Don't be early, and don't be late.  Be moving exactly at the
>>    right speed exactly as the rotating station comes around so you can
>>    dock.
>>    And then walk in an arc!
>> I sometimes say that if the outside person starts out early so that the
>> allemander is empty-armed, it's like taking a shower with your socks on.
>> You might accomplish your goal OK, but it's completely unsatisfying.
>> -Eric
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