Cross trail was removed from Basic/Mainstream program many years ago, and as I 
understand it, it was because callers could not, or would not agree on a 
definition.  When I learned it, as a club dancer, from facing couples, it was a 
pass thru, then the right hand dancer , of each facing couple, would cross in 
front of the left hand dancer.  the left hand dancer would then cross behind 
the right hand dancer.  The pass thru part was straight across, followed by the 
X movement.  I have danced that pattern in contras.  
When I said you can use star thru then pass thru, it only works in some 
applications.  One would be Heads Cross Trail to your corner for an allemande 
left.  Star thru, pass thru, would accomplish the same thing.  Pass thru with a 
half sachay, leaves the couples facing out, instead of facing their caller.  
The latter may be a definition that was assigned for a Callerlab program in 
more recent years.  I like the flexibility of the older usage, but today a 
walkthrough might be necessary.
PS  I's still looking for some square dance figures with cross trail thru.

 From: Andrea Nettleton <>
To: Caller's discussion list <> 
Sent: Tuesday, December 31, 2013 1:32 AM
Subject: Re: [Callers] Square through vs Cross-trail

I don't think a cross trail is an X, but I would say that there is still a 
difference in foot path between a cross trail and a star through to pass 
through and that is that unless explicitly told not to, dancers will do a pass 
thru with the right shoulder, whereas a cross trail, as danced in contras, is a 
pass thru by the R, turn and pass by the left.  In trad squares, cross trail 
sometimes consists of a pass through followed by something like an x, but there 
would still be two moments when hand contact is possible, first Rs, the Ls.  My 
club squares caller would have a cow if anyone danced a cross trail as anything 
but a pass thru and half sashay.  

Sent from my iPad

> On Dec 30, 2013, at 2:38 PM, jean francis <> wrote:
> I can't imagine how 2 folks could give/use hands while crossing each other's 
> trails since the movement direction of a cross trail is like an "X"...on the 
> diagonal as opposed to straight across/up and down like a square thru
> --------------------------------------------
> On Mon, 12/30/13, Aahz Maruch <> wrote:
> Subject: Re: [Callers] Square through vs Cross-trail
> To:
> Date: Monday, December 30, 2013, 11:09 AM
> On Mon, Dec 30, 2013, rich sbardella
> wrote:
>> Depending on the application, you may be able to
> substitute star thru
>> then pass thru for cross trail thru.
> If you want to get nitpicky with the no-hands of cross trail
> thru ;-),
> change star thru to slide thru.  (But few non-square
> dancers would know
> slide thru.)
> -- 
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