Hi friends,
Dean called me this morning to remind me that the B2 of Our House is not  
Partner Balance and Swing, but a Partner Gypsy and Meltdown into a Swing, or as 
he says it so well, a Gypsy Meltdown with your Partner. 
Which reminds me that He and Sandy Brand organize an awesome dance weekend 
outside of Charlotte NC called Gypsy Meltdown.  Meet the author of many great 
dances, Dean himself, dance all weekend to PEM and Crowfoot, Cis Hinkle and 
George Marshall calling.  I'm going.  See some of you there?

Sent from my iOnlypretendtomultitask

> On Feb 5, 2014, at 8:49 PM, Andrea Nettleton <twirly-g...@bellsouth.net> 
> wrote:
> Hey everyone,
>     I was talking to dean the other day and mentioned that more than one 
> person had request edit his excellent dance, and asked whether it was ok to 
> share it with everyone.  So here is Our House, by Dean Snipes.  Deb, I know I 
> wrote that the star is 3/4, but it really is 1x.  
> Cheers,
> Andrea
> Sent from my iPad
> Begin forwarded message:
>> I love this dance by Dean and am glad to share.  Written for a contra friend 
>> who always said come over to our house!  A real community builder.
>> Our House
>> By Dean Snipes
>> Becket
>> A1 M Alle L 1 1/2
>>     N Sw
>> A2 Ladies chain to P
>>    Star L 1x and a step till the ladies can take R with another lady making 
>> a long lady wave in the center of the set.
>> B1 all bal, ML, WR
>>     All (Rory) Slide, ML, WR-into a new star, W are looking at their 
>> shadow's back, P is in another star, far away, seemingly
>>      Star R 1x, men move along your home side a little to meet P
>> B2 P B&Sw
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