the double progression may not be obvious because it happens in one move - a 
R&L thru on a diagonal progresses 2 places

 From: Don Veino <>
To: Caller's discussion list <> 
Sent: Friday, February 7, 2014 12:42 PM
Subject: Re: [Callers] Flow

Separate from Tom's comments/change, I like the original B1 sequence
snippet with the Calif. Twirl into the G's Lt. 1+1/2.

However, I don't see the double progression... as I read it, you progress
in A1 and then all the play is with your current (new) neighbors until the
dance begins again.


On Thu, Feb 6, 2014 at 8:07 AM, Tom Hinds <> wrote:

> Aahz,
> Nice dance.  There are some great transitions and ideas in this dance and
> I look forward to calling it soon.
> With that said, I don't put your dance in the 'flowing' category.  The two
> right and left thrus aren't flowing for the men in particular and
> especially if they are danced with a tradition courtesy (men move forward
> and then back for the courtesy turns).  Right and left through for me, have
> sort of a stop and start feel when compared with a hey.
> I think the moves in the B1 are not flowing but are not bad flow either.
> If flow is your bag, maybe substitute two half heys for the 2 right and
> left thrus in the A1 although the flow into the circle left 3/4 may be
> interesting......
> and consider this for the B1:
> B1      Half hey (men left), men allemande left once and a half.
> Tom
>>> Panix Dot Chat (
>>> Becket formation
>>> Double-progression, better with odd number of couples
>>> A1  Right-and-left thru on left diagonal (8)
>>>         (Yes, start with progression)
>>>         (Warn ends about not moving)
>>>     Right-and-left thru new couple (8)
>>> A2  Circle left 3/4 (8)
>>>     Swing neighbor (8)
>>> B1  Pass through (4)
>>>     California twirl (4)
>>>     Men left-hand turn once-and-half (8)
>>> B2  Balance and swing partner (16)
>>> --
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