I've had my thumb wrenched when someone hangs on too long with this
But the original topic was "people ... bending and twisting the wrists".

My solution is this: I say "ouch", and physically straighten out the
wrist-crunch with my free hand.  Maybe I say "sorry, carpal tunnel" to
excuse this tiny bit of violence.

I can do this in the 5 seconds I have.  And I've seen the same guy give me
a straight allemande later that night, so it seems to have a good effect.

Lindsay Morris
CEO, TSMworks
Tel. 1-859-539-9900

On Sun, Feb 16, 2014 at 4:07 AM, Erik Hoffman <e...@erikhoffman.com> wrote:

> And I'm on a (perhaps hopeless) campaign to restore it.
> So, Aahz, why do you want to eliminate it? I'm talking about the thumbs up
> as guideposts, fingers hooked around the others hand, a hook, not a grip,
> wrists straight, fingers curved. Is it just the safety issue? I play music.
> I teach music. I worry a lot about my hands! I have things I do to protect
> myself, and I don't let people grab and grip, or bend my wrist in some
> painful way.
> ~erik hoffman
>     oakland, ca
> On 2/15/2014 10:32 PM, Aahz Maruch wrote:
>> On Sat, Feb 15, 2014, Michael Fuerst wrote:
>>> I should have said thumbs an wrapped around the other's hand.
>>> Interlocked was the wrong.
>> <whew>  I do know people who believe that interlocked thumbs are correct,
>> and I've been on a campaign to discourage the practice.  ;-)
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