On 2/24/2014 12:34 PM, Grant Goodyear wrote:

Here's a fun, silly dance with a piece count of 4:

The Belles of Auburn (Roger Knox,

    A1. (16) N sashay down and back A2. (16) N bal & sw, end facing dn B1.
(16) 4-in-line dn hall, turn as cpls, ret, bend B2. (16) W ch over and bk

It may be a problem only for experienced dancers, but I've had issues with an expectation of a circle following "bend the line." I have another dance in my stash with a ladies chain following a bend the line, and though the dance was very simple it hiccuped every single time on that spot as the dancers started to circle, caught themselves, and then recovered way late for the chain. I'd suggest altering the language a little. Either "couples face each other," or something else that doesn't trigger that gotta-circle-left impulse. Anyone else have this problem with this combination of moves?

How do I
prevent the whole thing from falling apart?
It will probably fall apart at least once.  Smile, blame the caller, reset
the dance, fix the problem, and run the dance just long enough for the
dancers to feel comfortable with it.

And choose dances that _can_ be fixed. Some are easier to repair than others. When you're first doing longways impropers, it's great to choose ones where if the propriety gets screwed up you won't lose your progression. Those "1s swing in the middle and make new lines of 4" dances can be really useful. Washington Quickstep is the one I like for brand new groups who want to try contras but are still a little shaky on that whole "leave the lady on the right" business. It has right and left throughs rather than a ladies chain. More forgiving of propriety errors, especially if you teach the courtesy turn as "the person on the left backs up and the person on the right goes forward" and use a simple hand hold.

The whole issue of im/propriety is harder to grasp for new dancers than you might think. They're trying to remember _everything_ -- what's a dosido, who's my partner, am I dancing the man's role, which hand do I give, which way is up, who are the 1s now..? There's a lot of stuff that experienced dancers don't even think about anymore because we've oriented to the terminology and the general structure of the dance, but for new folks, it's all front and center. The dances should be really smoothly constructed so that the moves flow well without needing any fudging or corrections. The timing should be just right for the amount of music you have. If a move needs 2 bars more than it gets, that will cause anxiety. If there's way too much music, folks will likely just plunge into the next move without waiting.

Especially with beginners, if the last dance didn't work all that well,
then I try to make sure that the next dance is one that is likely to be
much more successful.  (I keep a collection of guaranteed successful dances
handy that I can pull out after abject failure!)

Oh yeah.  Gotta end with a smile!


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