Ben --

Don't understand what you mean about the number one couples remaining connected during their duration as ones. Holding a hand? Are they holding on to each other during the Balance and square thru 2? How does that work?

Also, it's "ceili swing", not "Calie". (It's an Irish Gaelic word - Scots Gaelic is 'ceilidh'.)

Anyway, haven't seen the dance before.  Title sounds maybe kinda generic.

-- Alan

On 2/26/2014 4:26 PM, Ben Werner wrote:
Hey All,

I'm a new caller in the group and just wrote a dance and wanted to see if my 
chosen title has been used or if the dance has been written.

The neat thing about it is that number one couples can remain connected during 
their duration as ones.


Contra Connection
Ben Werner

A1:      (16) Balance Square through 2            Left hand over connection
A2:      (16) Petronella x 2
B1:      (16) Balance & Swing Partner             Calie Swing
B2:      (8) Promenade fishhook left
            (8) Star left 1 time around w new neighbors

Inspired by Carol Ormand’s Contra Connection set @ Stellar Days and Nights 2014 
in Buena Vista
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