"First Time Dancers get in Free" Promotion Results:

For five weeks this winter we ran a special promotion at the Downtown Amherst 
dance that all First Time Contra dancers get in free. The results were 

Jan 29 -12
Feb 26 - 10
Mar 5  - 20
Mar 19 - 8
Mar 29 - 9

Total new dancers: 59  Avg: 11.8   Median: 10
Overall attendance was normal meaning the variations in "Free" numbers was not 
affected by the band as far as I could tell.

Many of the new dancers said they would be back and in fact I saw quite a few 
of them both at subsequent dances in Amherst and at Greenfield. Some came early 
in the promotion and then brought friends the following week. Our organizing 
committee has discussed various options to draw new dancers, primarily "First 
Time Free" and "Second Time Free". The "Second Time Free" option gives you more 
feedback about how many returnees you are actually getting; the "First Time 
Free" simply lowers the bar to the ground and is harder to resist (friend to 
friend). (We also included the option for anyone who might have tried contra 
once or twice a long time ago to be considered "First Time" but I don't know 
that anyone came in saying that.)

Our series averages 75-85 total each week with a range of 60-160 depending on 
the band. The median is definitely under 100 but has gradually increased over 
the last almost four years.

I think the promotion was a tremendous success and we're having an ongoing 
discussion about whether to try "Second Time Free" for a while or just 
implement "First Time Free" periodically. For programming reasons, I don't 
think it makes sense to have it for every dance, especially dances that will be 
extremely full, such as if Elixir or PeM play or if it's a techno contra (which 
has other issues for beginning dancers). However, we might pick a month or a 
block of dates and do it again periodically.



Will Loving
Founder & Programming Director
Downtown Amherst Contra Dance

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