Corrected link

Michael Fuerst      802 N Broadway      Urbana IL 61801       217-239-5844
On Monday, May 19, 2014 1:22 PM, Michael Fuerst <> wrote:

The most recent version of my dances is at

Michael Fuerst      802 N Broadway      Urbana IL 61801       217-239-5844
Links to photos of many of my drawings and paintings are at
On Monday, May 19, 2014 12:31 PM, Colin Hume <> wrote:

Last June, Jack Mitchell asked for suggestions on what should go into 
a workshop on End effects.  I've now collated the ideas, added some 
opinions of my own, and produced a page of notes which I will be using 
at Chippenham Folk Festival this coming weekend, so if you're 
interested please have a look and send any comments
 either to the list 
or direct to me.

I'm also sending this to the Trad-dance-callers list, so apologies if 
you receive it twice.

Colin Hume

Callers mailing list

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