Such as a "Solo" turn, or a turn alone?

On Thu, Sep 24, 2015 at 12:24 PM, Amy Wimmer via Callers <> wrote:

> Is there ever a designation for doing something alone?
> -Amy
> On Sep 23, 2015, at 10:18 PM, Don Veino via Callers <
>> wrote:
> Back in 2008 I wrote a dance to celebrate my first year of contra dancing
> and Chris Weiler was kind enough to go through it with me. In doing so I
> heard my first mention of the Who-What-How Much format for dance
> description.
> I'm working on a personal project where I'd like to be sure I've
> identified all the "Who" roles in that model. For my purposes, I'm doing
> this in the context of contras, traditional squares, triplets, family
> dances, etc. (but not necessarily English, Ceilidh, Scottish, etc. - though
> I'm not closed to gathering any that may exist uniquely therein).
> I've listed below what I've collected so far from my personal cards deck
> review & research through several published works.
> Are there any Whos I've missed?
> Please note: I've deliberately left the primary role designation for last
> as I wish to avoid rehashing that topic once more. Let's please just accept
> there's a designation for the primary roles and agree they'll be determined
> by circumstance and conscience, as fits a given dance community.
> Thanks!
> Don
> Partner
> Neighbor
> Corner
> Opposite
> Everyone (All)
> Center/End
> Shadow/Trail Buddy
> Couple
> Top/Middle/Bottom; Ones/Twos, etc.; Heads/Sides; First/Second, etc. (var.
> of Couple or Primary Role)
> Travel Buddy (4F4)
> Active/Inactive (is this distinctly required, or is it always an alternate
> name for another role var., e.g.: 1s?)
> Neutrals/Ends (var. of Couple or Primary Role)
> Ring of N (4,8, etc.)
> And of course...
> Primary Role (Lark/Raven, Righty/Lefty, Lady/Gent, Talls/Smalls, etc.), in
> plural or specific variation (e.g.: Talls, Raven 2, End Lady)
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