There are occasional requests on this forum for a dance to be identified, which 
got me thinking.


As with, I’m sure, many callers, I have a number of dances that I’ve come 
across, often at dances, where I know neither the name nor the author.  I like 
to honour the choreographer by mentioning their name and the name of the dance 
when I call it, but I can’t do this if I don’t know it.


It is usually relatively easy to find the author if you know the title, using 
Michael Dyck's excellent Contradance Index, but without a title it becomes a 
much bigger task.  An “obvious” solution would be a magical web page that lets 
you put in the dance and to reward you with the name and author.  Apart from 
the massive logistical challenge of creating and maintaining such a database, 
this seems morally dubious as some authors prefer not to publish their work.


So what can we do?  We could all ask on [Callers] but we’d soon get fed up with 
the forum being taken over.  I wondered about a “please identify this dance” 
(sub-)forum, similar to the many ”ask the expert” forums (fora?) you see in the 
IT community.


Do members have any thoughts about this?  Will it work?  How do we get people 
on it? What are the issues?  Is there a batter / alternative approach?


Over to the Hive Mind.





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