Bay Area Caller Tom Thoreau made up a dance that I've used lots at beginner level dances:

A1 Petronella Balance x 2
A2 Petronella Balance x 2
B1 Partner Balance & Swing
B2 Right & Left through; Circle half, slide left to next couple

And, it is dedicated to Jane Fonda...

An aside (which I might have said before)

I still find it funny when callers announce, "as in Petronella," or "as in Rory O'More." I look around the room and see almost no one who has a clue as to what Petronella or Rory O'More is. Sometimes even the caller doesn't know--or barely knows... I recommend saying something like "a move from a wonderful old dance called Petronella."

~erik hoffman
    oakland, ca

On 12/13/2015 7:33 PM, Bill Baritompa via Callers wrote:
Hi Ron,

Great for total beginners, not sure of name or author:

Easy Petronella        ?        improper
A1, A2    Circle Balance, petronella spin 4X
B1    Neighbor Dosido; Neighbor Swing
B2    LLFB,  1s Swing

Cheers, Bill

On 14/12/2015 4:13 p.m., Ron Blechner via Callers wrote:
Any suggestions for your favorite easy or intermediate Petronella spin dance
with no chain, no allemandes?

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