Andy, I'm not sure that the action 'face your corner' necessitates making or 
keeping eye contact.  It is heard by many, in my experience, merely as the 
instruction which gets your body facing around the ring so you are interacting 
with your corner, not at all as an injunction to look into their face.   That I 
interpret it that way seems to be an artifact of my contra background.

Sent from my iOnlypretendtomultitask

> On Jan 27, 2016, at 5:32 PM, Andy Shore via Callers 
> <> wrote:
>> On Wed, Jan 27, 2016 at 11:51 AM, Jeremy Gmail via Callers 
>> <> wrote:
>> In MWSD, walk around (your corner) is effectively a “without hands” Right 
>> Hand Turn – it specifically does not have the “look at the other person” 
>> aspect.
>> This is not in itself a reason for not using the phrase, but avoiding 
>> confusion with closely allied dance forms that share dancers is probably a 
>> good idea.
>> Jeremy
> This is not correct. Current CALLERLAB definitions include styling that 
> includes "eye contact"
> From the current CALLERLAB Basic/Mainstream definitions (revised May 31, 
> 2013) available for download at
> [my emphasis added with underlining]
> 26. Walk Around the Corner
> Starting formations: Squared Set, Infacing Circle Of 8
> Command examples:
> Walk Around the Corner
> Walk All Around Your Corner
> 4 Ladies Chain; Circle Left; Walk Around New Corner
> All Around the Left Hand Lady
> Walk All Around the Left Hand Lady; See Saw the Pretty Little Taw
> Dance action: Dancers face their corners. Walking forward and around each 
> other while keeping right shoulders adjacent, dancers return to their 
> original position, with their backs toward their corner. [underlining mine]
> Ending formation: Right and Left Grand Circle
> Timing: 8
> Styling: Men hold arms in natural dance position. Women use both hands on 
> skirt, moving skirt forward and back to avoid opposite dancer. Dancers should 
> maintain eye contact over their shoulders until their partners become 
> visible. [underlining mine]
> Comment: Square dancing is evolving towards a preference for "Walk Around the 
> Corner" instead of "All Around The Left-Hand Lady", which requires the women 
> to mentally translate the command to "All Around The Right-Hand Man".
> While I'm not suggesting we adopt the MWSD nomenclature (in particular, the 
> left-shoulder version is called "See Saw" in current MWSD which is something 
> different in current contra), I do want to point out that the dance action is 
> exactly what we desire for a right-shoulder gy--y. The only difference is 
> that MWSD it is essentially restricted to exactly 1x around, and in contra 
> gy--y is 'as far as directed'.
> -- 
> /Andy Shore
> Santa Cruz, CA
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