I love proper dances with zest.  Here are a few of my favorites.


*Pecan Pie   *Proper  By Jim Hemphill

A1 Neighbor do si do to a short wave
     Balance right and left, Neighbor allemande right 3/4 to a long wave
A2 Balance right and back, box circulate
     Partner swing
B1 Circle left 3
     Neighbor swing
B2 Partner right hand balance and box the gnat

*Proper Zest*   Proper     by Jim Hemphill

A1 1st corners start a full ricochet hey (clockwise)
A2 1st corners cross, partner gypsy & swing
B1 Circle left 3
     Neighbor swing
B2 Partner Left hand balance, couple 1 swat the flea
     Left hand star once around  Couple 2 swing in the center, end facing
up, 1's face down

*Proper Swingfest II*   Proper   by Jim Hemphill

A1 Neighbor do si do 1 1/2
     Next neighbor allemande left 1 1/4 to an ocean wave
A2 Balance right and left, centers slide right
     Partner swing
B1 Circle left 3
     Neighbor swing
B2 Long lines forward & back\
     2's swing in the center, end facing up
*La Poussette Peculiar*   Proper    by Jim Hemphill
A1  1/2 Poussette (clockwise)
     2nd corners swing in the center
A2 Down the hall in lines of 4
     Turn as couples (with partner) and come back
B1 Invert the line and swing your partner (1's arch as they bend the line,
lady 2 leads the end of the line thru the arch as they cross the set)
B2 Long lines forward, 2's roll away with 1/2 sashay
     Circle right 3

The progression, as you complete the circle right 3 in B2, drop hands with
current neighbors, take 2 hands with partner and start the clockwise
poussette with next neighbors.

On Thu, Feb 4, 2016 at 9:11 PM, Andy Shore via Callers <
callers@lists.sharedweight.net> wrote:

> I'm looking for some zesty Proper dances to add to my collection.
> Suggestions?
> aTdHvAaNnKcSe  (thanks in advance)
> /Andy Shore
> http://andyshore.com/
> best email - andysh...@gmail.com
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