Isn't it actually a 3/8ths hey?  ...Which is somewhat tricky to say: Three
Eights Hey For Four.  Lots of numbers in there.  Good enough reason to find
another explanation.  ;-)

What I'm seeing about not simply writing it out as a hey is that the star
is causing the ladies to move forward into the men's position.  From a
static perspective it is definitely a partial hey, but the women's momentum
will want to carry them too far forward and it'll become mush for anyone
not paying attention.  Turning back to the right is nice flow, and to me
there's nothing wrong with writing things like that into the dance.

For example, I have long used a dance which cues the ladies to turn AWAY
from a star and swing the man behind them.  Technically it is just a
u-turn, but every time I use that phrase three quarters of the ladies will
turn TOWARD the star (for a variety of reasons, including partner
"assistance").  It makes me cringe, because the dance is so much nicer if
they turn the other direction.


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