The Appalachian dance tradition has a bunch of two-couple figures. See, for example, Usually they'd usually be used in a context where pairs of couples dance together and then one or both couples in each pair move on to dance with a new couple, either by orderley progression around the a square or a big circle or by a scatter promenade. In a pinch, ypu can use them wit just two couples. Teach a few figures. Call them in any order. For asymmetric figures let give both couples turns at the "active" role. Mix in some use of "I'll swing yours and you swing mine" (or whatever words you want to use to say that) then "Swing your own; leave mine alone" (or some other way of saying the same thing), or just call the first swing and then have them keep that one as parter for a while and dance some figures in the new pairings. --Jim