Much the same thing happened in the UK with the rant step. 

Originally it was never done with crossed feet.  However, after London
Folk danced a rant with crossed feet (for theatrical reasons, emulating
the NW Morris polka) at the Royal Albert Hall Folk Festival everyone
assumed that was 'correct' and started to do that.

Michael Barraclough


On Tue, 2016-10-11 at 20:14 +0000, Dan Pearl via Callers wrote:
> Sylvia Miskoe, in rec.folk-dancing on March 4, 1999 said:
> Wrist grip stars became popular after the appearance at New England
> Folk
> Festival (NEFFA) of the Lithuanian Dance Group doing their dances and
> they all
> used wrist grips.  The square dancers thought it was a neat idea and
> adopted
> it.
> Cheers,
> Sylvia Miskoe, Concord, NH
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