On 2016-10-21 1709, Galen Armstrong via Callers wrote:
Hi all!

I'm looking for a dance called Colorful Contra. I don't know the author.
Anyone know it?



Hullo Galen,

I'm glad Jim has material for a good guess at it. No part of the name turned up at the usual places (including one's search engine of choice), which in part include:
Michael Dyck's Contradance Index

Antony’s Dance Database

Dancilla/en – Dancilla Wiki

Ralph Page Legacy Weekend Syllabi
Good luck with further searches and the calling of it.

For the list: Galen is a recently minted local caller (in the Southern BC islands) who's really taken to Contra and community/barn dances. A most welcome addition to the fun.

Cheers, John
J.D. Erskine
Victoria, BC

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