On 2/22/2017 6:25 AM, Luke Donforth via Callers wrote:
Hi all,

Just wondering if anyone else is experiencing a bump in requests for
community/family dances? I feel like the last month or so, there's been
an uptick in schools and community centers requesting them. Could be a
local fluctuation, or something bigger. Anyone else getting that impression?

Possibly I'm projecting based on my own desire to build community
through dance, but a couple years ago I was knocking on doors trying to
make these happen, and now they're knocking on our door.

Hope you're all having a similar experience!

Luke Donforth
luke.donfo...@gmail.com <mailto:luke.do...@gmail.com>

Here in the Sonoma County area (a bit north of SF), we've definitely had growing interest in family dancing over the last year. There's a quarterly family dance forming up that precedes one of our regular contras, and we're looking at possibly adding another before one of our regular English dances. Part of the interest is coming from the local home-schoolers.

Kalia Kliban

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