Al Olson wrote a triplet. Here it is

Benefical Triplet
by Al Olson

A1 -----------
Partner across pull by the right,  L diag pull by left
Across pull by R;  L diag pull by L

A2 -----------
across pull by R;  L diag pull by L
Partner across Balance & Box the gnat
B1 -----------
Partner Balance & Swing
B2 -----------
Cpl #1  (at the bottom) up the center TA; 
Return to center (2s now at bottom)
& Cast UP with Cpl #2  
END:   2  1   3

On Mar 3, 2017, at 1:10 PM, Dugan Murphy via Callers 
<> wrote:

> Does anybody know of dances inspired by "Beneficial Tradition" by Dan Pearl 
> that includes the "zipper" figure (B2 of "Beneficial Tradition") or 
> variations of that figure?  I just wrote one myself, so I'm curious to see 
> what else is out there.
> Here's mine:
> Dela Says Yippee by Dugan Murphy (Clockwise Becket)
> A1  Long Lines Forward and Back (8) / Neighbor Left Hand Pull-by Across the 
> Set (hopping and shouting recommended on the fourth beat) (4) - New Same-Role 
> Dancer Across the Set Right Hand Pull-by Across the Set (hopping and shouting 
> recommended on the fourth beat) (4)
> A2  New Ladies (not the one just pulled by) Left Hand Allemande 1.5 (8) / 
> Neighbor Swing
> B1  Circle Left 3 Places (8) / Partner Di-Si-Do (8)
> B2  Partner Balance & Swing (16)
> This dance is also posted here:
> Dugan Murphy
> Portland, Maine
> dugan at
> _______________________________________________
> Callers mailing list

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