You can fix that little challenge by making the A1 a neighbor give & take on 
the left diagonal. As couples, dancers go forward on the left, and bring 
neighbor straight back for a swing. In the gents' chain version, the ladies 
would bring N back; in the ladies’ chain version, gents would bring N back to 

On Mar 27, 2017, at 8:49 AM, David Harding via Callers 
<> wrote:

> Scratch that.  Now that I look at it in light of Tom's comments, I realize 
> that there is no progression.  Doh!
> On 3/26/2017 9:26 PM, David Harding via Callers wrote:
>> Here's something I envisioned last fall and have been meaning to post for 
>> comment.  There were conversations here about gents chains and about 
>> balancing the activity levels of ladies and gents.  At Squirrel Moon 
>> Weekend, Tom Hinds called a dance whose details I don't remember, except 
>> that it started with a gents chain across from Becket formation, followed by 
>> gents chain on the right diagonal (I think).  About 2/3 of the way through 
>> the dance, he switched to start with a ladies chain across and then on the 
>> left diagonal.  It was dramatic how different the two versions of the dance 
>> felt.  That got me to thinking, why not switch each time through to 
>> symmetrize the dance, the way modern dances with contra corners often do?  
>> Perhaps that's sufficiently disorienting to be cutting edge.  
>> I have not had the occasion to call this, but would be happy to hear if 
>> anyone thinks it's worth giving a try.  I haven't thought through the 
>> teaching, but imagine that for a group that could handle it, two 
>> walk-throughs would be useful.  
>> The working title is "Both Sides"  
>> Becket
>> A1 Gents allemande 1 1/2; Neighbor swing
>> A2 Long lines forward and back; Gents chain, courtesy turn
>> B1 Gents left shoulder full hey
>> B2 Partner balance and swing
>> Alternate with
>> A1 Ladies allemande right 1 1/2; Neighbor swing
>> A2 Long lines; Ladies chain,  courtesy trun
>> B1 Ladies right shoulder full hey
>> B2 Partner balance and swing
>> Dave Harding
>> On 3/26/2017 8:26 PM, Maia McCormick via Callers wrote:
>>> Hi choreographer folks,
>>> I'm leading a session at NEFFA called "Cutting-Edge Contras", consisting of 
>>> un-premiered (or very sparsely called) contras. If anyone has any dances 
>>> they'd like to throw my way for consideration, please do so!
>>> Cheers,
>>> Maia
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