My go-to waves dance is Snake Oil Reel by Roger Diggle (Duple Improper)

A1: Ladies in to center for long wave, Balance
    While Ladies back out, Men in to center for long wave, Balance
A2: Men Allemande Left 3/4, give right to neighbor and Balance short wave 
across the set
    All Allemande Right 1/2, Balance short wave with Ladies in the center
B1: Ladies pull by Left
    Swing Partner
B2: Circle ALL the way
      Ladies Chain to Neighbor
      Use momentum from chain to send ladies in to center

 While it does not have waves at the sides, it has them in the middle so you 
can use it
when the hall is too short for everyone to be in the same long waves at the 

It is an excellent dance for incorporating a large group of beginners, because
you hardly ever are without someone else in your hand, and the storyline is 
very nice.




-----Original Message-----
From: Bill Olson via Callers <>
To: callers <>
Sent: Fri, Jan 26, 2018 8:23 am
Subject: Re: [Callers] Looking for suggestions

You Can't Get There From Here  by Carol Ormand (Improper, 10 June 1994)

A1  Balance; allemande Right 3/4 (to long waves, Women facing in);  Balance; 
allemande Right 3/4 (to waves of four, Men in the middle)

A2  Balance; Neighbors swing

B1  Circle Left 3/4;  Partners swing

B2  Circle Left 3/4;  Neighbors dos a dos 1.5 (to wave of four with the next)

Notes: It begins in a wave of four, with the women in the middle. Title 
suggestion by John Kraniak.


From: Callers <> on behalf of Michael 
Barraclough via Callers <>
Sent: Friday, January 26, 2018 6:43 AM
Subject: [Callers] Looking for suggestions

Anyone have a dance that they would like to share which has both short wavy 
lines (across) and long wavy lines (along)?


Michael Barraclough

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