I really like your description of "women reach forward to form a wave of
women".  If you state what hand you're taking with the person in your H4
(as you do here) that makes it even clearer (and means that if someone
doesn't actually do the loop to take their neighbor or partner's place,
it'll still work.

The dance is not one of mine.  It's actually a Dean Snipes dance.  I'm
finishing up editing the collection of his dances that I'm trying to put
together.  Here's the rest of the dance for those that might be interested.

Oh Yea! – Dean Snipes Improper
Start in long waves, gents face out ladies face in
A1 Balance Wave
½ Circulate (Gents Loop, ladies reach forward RH to N Lady) to a long wave
of ladies
Balance Wave of Ladies
½ Circulate (ladies forward and face in, gents reach forward RH to N Gent)
to a long wave of gents

A2 Balance Wave of Gents
Gents step forward – N Sw
B1 Gents Alle L 1½
P Sw
B2 Take hands in a Ring – Balance Ring, petronella twirl to the right
N Alle L 1½ to a long wave – gents face out, ladies face in

On Fri, May 18, 2018 at 2:10 PM Bill Olson <callb...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Jack and all, A little off topic, but... Your dance made me remember a
> dance I wrote back in 2002, "Do Make Waves". here's from my web site:
> *     A duple improper contra by Bill Olson *
> *          A1:  Star R x 1 to long waves (Right Hand to N, L to previous
> N. Women are facing in, Men out))(8), Bal Wave(4) (women reach forward to
> form a wave of women down the center of set while men loop around to right,
> taking Neighbor's position, facing in), Bal the wave (of Women)(4)* *
> *          A2: Women reach forward and form a long wave (Right Hand to
> Partner, L to shadow, W face out) Bal Wave (4) and Swing Partner (12) *
> *          B1: Circle L 3/4 Sw N (16) *
> *          B2: Circl L (8), (with same Neighbors) Star L (8) (Look for new
> N in next Star) *
> *Notes: *The 3 balances are all done consecutively, that is to say:
> "balance,2,3,4,balance2,3,4,balance,2,3,4! Needless to say there is little
> time between balances for the women to drop hands and pick up new ones, and
> it helps if the balances are more "forward and back" rather than "right and
> left" so there is some "forward propulsion" going on after each balance! In
> reality the second and third balances are actually started (feet hit the
> floor) while the hand change is being made. Here's why I wrote this dance.
> Every year at NEFFA (New England Folk Festival in Natick, MA), callers are
> reminded that the dance floors are very crowded and to pay attention NOT to
> call dances that require a lot of room between sets (since there ISN'T
> any). I figured I would write a dance that REQUIRED that there be very
> little room between sets, and this is IT!! My announcement to some Boston
> area callers of my intention met with great skepticism, but I always DO
> like to make waves! and the dance works!! Written April 15, 2002.*
> This dance has three wave balances, the first two are the same as yours I
> think, i.e. Balance wave (Men out Women in etc) along the long lines,
> balance wave of women down the center, BUT no time in between.. (the notes
> as to "why" heh heh) I called this dance ONE TIME at NEFFA and it worked
> fine BUT comments after were mostly that it was VERY zesty for the women..
> I am assuming the first wave in A1 is along the long lines.. If so,  4
> steps is a LOT of steps to go a pretty short distance.. Maybe I am reading
> this wrong, in which case I offer the dance as something similar and
> *different*.
> You might note that when I wrote the dance I had no words "like circulate
> the wave" in my vocabulary, so I probably just called it what it was,
> "gents loop, women walk forward" or something like that.. Makes for nice
> "toung twisters" when actually calling the dance!!
> bill (in Black Fly infested Maine)
> *From:* Callers <callers-boun...@lists.sharedweight.net> on behalf of
> Jack Mitchell via Callers <callers@lists.sharedweight.net>
> *Sent:* Thursday, May 17, 2018 6:09 PM
> *To:* Callers List
> *Subject:* [Callers] Partial circulate the wave?
> What would you call a circulate like this?  Would it be a partial
> circulate?  Or, in the interest of not adding any more terminology, since
> only half of the people are going to end up in a wave after each one, would
> it be better to just say "ladies take 4 steps forward to a long wave of
> ladies, gents face in", etc?
> *A1*    Balance Wave
>         Circulate (Gents Loop, ladies take 4 steps forward) to a long
> wave of ladies
>          Balance Wave of Ladies
>          Circulate (ladies walk forward and face in, gents take 4 steps
> forward) to a long wave of gents
> *A2*    Balance Wave of Gents
>               Gents step forward – N Sw
> --
> Jack Mitchell
> Durham, NC
Jack Mitchell
Durham, NC
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