Hi All,
Whilst on a walk with my dogs recently enjoying the remarkably good weather we 
have in the UK at the moment, I ended up writing a dance in my head that I 
thought might be quite nice. Well after a bit of refinement, it seems to work 
nicely (although I haven’t tried it out with a big group of dancers yet). At 
the moment It is called ’St George’s Day Contra’ for the simple reason that it 
is St Georges day on Tuesday and I couldn’t think of a better name for it, but 
I am hoping that one will pop into my head soon.
Please let me know what you think.

Longways: 1s Improper

(16) Neighbour balance & swing


(8) Lines forward & back; (8) Ladies allemande RH  WHILST gents orbit CW and 
loop wide *1 to flow into…


(16) Partner balance & swing


(8) Promenade across {ladies passing R} *2; (6) Circle L ¾; (2) Pass through.


*1 Gents cross the set and turn R wide so that it uses up all the music and it 
will flow into the balance & swing. *2 Ladies need to pass R shoulder so that 
you turning R as a unit and it should flow nicely into the circle L ¾.


P.S Here is a link to the music I have used, It’s on Spotify so whether 
everyone will be able to get it, I don’t know 

Many Thanks,
Liam Binley.


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