On 8 September 2015 at 21:31, Friedrich W. H. Kossebau <kosse...@kde.org> wrote:
> Am Samstag, 5. September 2015, 12:55:28 schrieb Jaroslaw Staniek:
>> With increasing modularity it's quite important
>> for our debugging needs to have logging categories.
> Agreed.
>> A scheme could be like
>> {libnamelowercase}{Debug|Warning|Critical}()
> +1 for that scheme. Simply because that namespace-prefixing seems to match the
> usual namespace-prefixing as done with classes/files, don't see another reason
> for/against.
>> I also propose to use a libname prefix for the header name. This is
>> what many bits in KF5 do. So we won't have to deal with dozens files
>> prefixed with "Debug" soon (so libpigment's DebugPigment.h could
>> become PigmentDebug.h or pigment_debug.h).
> When I looked into debug porting for libs/ last week (still need to complete
> end of next week, so anyone wants to take over meanwhile? no code yet written
> here), I wondered if installed headers better should not include any debug-
> only headers at all.

*debug.h should not be installed. I see that KF5 does not install own headers.

> But with publix/exported templates which need/better have debug statements
> that might be unavoidable. Still not really sure though, it somehow seems
> dirty to me :)

Is there at least such a case in calligra.git? We can add a template
specialization and keep the implementation in .cpp.

Thanks for the review.

regards, Jaroslaw Staniek

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