Yes, i agree with Dag. Handshake's donation does seem to have been a 
historical congratulations type thing more than anything else, so certainly 
Krita deserves a chunk of this.

On Wednesday, 17 October 2018 09:31:54 BST Dag wrote:
> Imho, a good idea. Does not seem krita gets anything directly, maybe
> because it is considdered part of calligra.
> ---
> Cheers,
> Dag
> Jaroslaw Staniek skrev den 2018-10-16 18:06:
> > Dear Calligra contributors,
> > Congratulations again on the donation [1] and big thanks to the
> > Handshake Foundation for recognizing Calligra!
> > 
> > tl;dr: I'd like to propose that 10% of the sum goes to support Krita.
> > 
> > Introduction
> > 
> > As person helping with completing the donation process I'd like to
> > repeat the fact that Calligra was recognized by the Handshake
> > Foundation as an organization having specific achievements in the FOSS
> > world. The Foundation decided to offer the donation unconditionally
> > and independently of the KDE's one.
> > 
> > Unlike other "Office" projects Calligra has no dedicated foundation so
> > the solution was to join KDE e.V. on the task around the bookkeeping
> > and related matters and to ensure transparency. It also felt most
> > natural since we're KDE. So there was no decision of the KDE board or
> > KDE community to split the one fund to Calligra and the rest of KDE,
> > there are two funds.
> > 
> > Details
> > 
> > Now that we're around next, harder step, I'd like to share my position
> > that addresses possible question of the contributors and fans: what
> > with supporting Krita?
> > 
> > Based on what I learned from the donor the funding is based on
> > recognition for the *entire* history of KOffice/Calligra so Krita
> > being important member of our family, not only can but *should* be
> > included i nthe support. Krita has been on the same level of
> > organization as other Calligra applications until 2.9 version [2].
> > There were 10 visible Calligra apps, not counting variations of apps
> > like mobile or Active and the Office Engine. So I'd like to propose
> > that 10% of the sum goes to support Krita, formally the Krita
> > Foundation.
> > 
> > Assertions
> > 
> > This is my idea, without any requests from the Krita side. And for my
> > understanding the idea does not limit possibility of Krita or current
> > Calligra to benefit from the "KDE" donation, especially indirectly,
> > e.g. through the shared infrastructure and common development
> > programs.
> > 
> > Common sense suggest me reasonable requirement for supporting Calligra
> > sub-projects: they needs to be active (have relatively recent
> > releases) with potential to growth, and activity should be
> > sufficiently independent of existence of the attractive funding that
> > was received. I think Krita meets these requirements.
> > 
> > [1]
> >
> > -foundation [2]
> > --
> > 
> > regards, Jaroslaw Staniek
> > 
> > KDE:
> > : A world-wide network of software engineers, artists, writers,
> > 
> > translators
> > 
> > : and facilitators committed to Free Software development -
> > 
> >
> > 
> > KEXI:
> > : A visual database apps builder -
> > : 
> >
> > 
> > Qt Certified Specialist:
> > :

..dan / leinir..

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